Can Woolash Eyelash Serum be used with mascara?
Even if you stop using eyelash serums, you will still have beautiful eyelashes. longer and more extensive than before. There is no evidence that the benefits of Woolash serum diminish over time. When your lashes fall out and grow back every four to eight weeks, there is no reason why your lash serum should lose its effectiveness. Can Woolash Eyelash Serum be used with mascara? Mascara can be used with a lash serum. It is recommended that you wait approximately five minutes after applying the lash serum before applying mascara. The ability of the lash serum to fully absorb and dry will therefore have no effect on the mascara. Mineral oil, parabens, prostaglandin, counterfeit aroma and variety, and prostaglandin are all absent from Woolash. This amazing eyelash serum has not been tested on animals and has been experimentally shown to be safe for everyone's eyes. Which eyelash growth serum has garnered the most acclaim? The tried-and-true Woolash eyelash serum is the best eyelash gro...